5 min read

What are Corporate Wellbeing Days?

By CHOYS Community
20 May 2024

According to the CIPD Health and Wellbeing at Work Report, stress is one of the key factors behind Employee absences. 38% of businesses cited stress as one of the top three reasons why employees absences. This data is concerning and can negatively impact an organisation's success.

Corporate Wellbeing days can play a crucial role in tackling this problem by prioritising employee Wellbeing. The popularity of Wellbeing days at work has surged recently as companies recognise their positive impact on employee productivity and overall company success.

What is a Corporate Wellbeing Day?

Corporate Wellbeing days are dedicated to employees' Wellbeing, encompassing mental, social, and physical aspects. These days serve as a well-designed investment in employee wellness, especially in busy corporate environments where employees often push themselves hard to contribute to the company's success. Over time, this relentless drive can lead to stress and burnout.

Wellbeing days at work offer the perfect solution to this problem. They provide employees with a chance to rejuvenate themselves and address their mental health needs. In simpler terms, Wellbeing days are designated days off for employees to recharge and improve their mental Wellbeing.

Suggested Read: Lack of Wellbeing Data Might Be Hurting Your Business’s Success

Benefits of Corporate Wellbeing Days

If you're still unsure about incorporating employee Wellbeing days at your work, consider the following benefits for both employees and the company:

  • Improved Physical and Mental Health: Employees can use Wellbeing days for activities they enjoy, health check-ups, or adopting healthy habits. This can significantly reduce stress levels, increase focus, and ensure employee Wellbeing.
  • Enhanced Employee Productivity: Employees who feel valued and relaxed are more likely to be productive and focused. By introducing Wellbeing days, employees will feel cared for by their employer beyond just work performance. This fosters a positive work culture within the organisation.
  • Increased Employee Retention: Everyone thrives in a positive company culture where they feel valued and supported. Investing in employee Wellbeing at the workplace demonstrably increases employee satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates of your best talent.

How to Implement a Wellbeing Day at Work?

As you've seen, Wellbeing days can make a significant difference in employee productivity and Wellbeing. However, careful planning is crucial to get the most out of this initiative.

You should allow the right number of Wellbeing days at work so that it won’t impact the company’s growth or employees’ productivity. One day per quarter would be a good starting point. Still, you must evaluate the policy to check if four Wellbeing days at work is a feasible option or not. Here is a strategy that would help you implement a great Wellbeing day at work.


Align Wellbeing Days with Your Goals

You need to implement a Wellbeing day at work that aligns with your goal. For example, if you want to reduce the absence of your employees, then focus on physical Wellbeing. Alternatively, to take care of the financial Wellbeing of your employees, you can conduct financial webinars. 

Gather Employee Input

Another step, that is often overlooked is your employee’s opinion. Don’t forget to ask, what they want to create an engaging Wellbeing day. You can conduct an internal survey, feedback, or polls to know what employees want. This step will also help to get Wellbeing day ideas. 

Consider Hiring an Expert

To make this process smoother, you can hire an expert to conduct a Wellbeing day at work. They can be yoga expert, nutrition experts, fitness coaches etc. Your own employees can be valuable sources of support as well. 

Sponsor Wellbeing Packages

Offering Wellbeing packages to employees can be a great employee experience. It will not only help them with financial Wellbeing, but they will also make healthy choices. It can be anything that promotes the physical Wellbeing of your staff, such as gym membership, supplements, therapy sessions and more.

Set Wellbeing Day Reminders

Promote a Wellbeing day at work consistently, to ensure every employee is aware of it. You can create an internal channel, drop emails or set a reminder to do so. You can also use CHOYS Belong and the “Moment Wall” like a virtual notice board. 

Gather Feedbacks

Feedback is essential to understand the success of the Wellbeing day. It will ensure that future Wellbeing days will be a success. You would figure out areas of improvement, and get more ideas on how to create the best design for a successful corporate Wellbeing day.

Employee Wellbeing Day Ideas

The main purpose of Wellbeing days at work is to equip employees with the tools they need to thrive personally and professionally. Apart from giving a day off you can also organise workplace wellness programs.

  • Wellbeing Workshops: Host Wellbeing day workshops at your workplace to give employees an opportunity to learn more about their mental and physical health. It can include, stress management workshops, healthy habits workshops, tips for managing stress and more. 
  • Yoga Classes: Desk jobs can take a toll on the body, especially in the back and shoulders. Yoga practice can be a great way to tackle this and strengthen your body. It can be done virtually as well to maximise the number of participants.
  • Day-off: You can simply keep a Wellbeing day off at work and it can be once in a quarter depending on your strategy. Come up with clear guidelines, so that the day off won’t affect the work. Make sure you don’t advise on how the Wellbeing days should be used, as different employees have different requirements.
  • Health Stipend: Another great idea is to offer a Wellbeing allowance to your employees. Alternatively, you can partner with the local gyms, offer premium app memberships, and so on. 

FAQs on Employee Wellbeing Days 

Q: What is an employee Wellbeing day?

A: Corporate Wellbeing days are the days offered to the employees to focus on their mental or physical Wellbeing. It can include activities, policies, or programs designed to support healthy habits at work.

Q: How to implement a Wellbeing day at work?

A: There are so many ways to implement a Wellbeing day at work. A great starting point would be to ask your employees what they’d like instead. 

Q: What are the benefits of workplace Wellbeing day?

A: A well-planned Wellbeing day at work can benefit both employees and employers. It increases employee productivity, and engagement, and reduces absenteeism. 

Q: What kind of activities can be included in Wellbeing days?

A: There is a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to Wellbeing days at work. It can include Wellbeing workshops, yoga, fitness programs at the workplace, hiking, art workshops, and more. 

Prioritise Employee Wellbeing Every Day With CHOYS

Implementing a corporate Wellbeing day can be a great starting point. However, employee Wellbeing should be prioritised every day, but sadly it’s often overlooked. There are plenty of ways to ensure the Wellbeing of your employees, and the CHOYS platform is one of them. 

With CHOYS, taking care of your employees' Wellbeing is now easier than ever. CHOYS provides tools and services that take care of four pillars of Wellbeing: mental, physical, financial and social Wellbeing of the employees. If you are eager to know more about how you can leverage the CHOYS platform for your employees, Schedule a Demo Today

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