4 min read

How to Care for Your Employees' Wellbeing in the Workplace?

By CHOYS Community
06 Aug 2023

Work culture has been long known as fast-paced, demanding, and profit-driven. While these were considered essential qualities of a successful workplace in the past, in the modern capitalist era it is employee wellbeing in the workplace that is at the forefront of organisational success.

What is Employee Wellbeing in the Workplace?

Employee wellbeing is a holistic approach that addresses multiple dimensions of employees' lives. Emotional wellbeing, mental health, financial security, social connections, and a sense of purpose – all these elements weave together to form the fabric of a wellbeing-centric workplace.

When talking about how The Future Of Work Is Employee Wellbeing, the 2021 Forbes article highlights how employee wellbeing has expanded beyond traditional boundaries, emphasising holistic wellbeing, flexibility in work arrangements, and the significance of purpose in driving engagement.


Importance of Employee Wellbeing at the Workplace

The cost of overlooking employee wellbeing is becoming increasingly evident. Burnout, stress, and disengagement are plaguing workplaces, leading to diminished productivity, high turnover rates, and overall negative impacts on the bottom line.

Now, it is more important than ever to give the employees the center stage in a workplace. A business cannot grow alone; the employees have to grow with it. So, it’s essential now for workplaces to focus on the vital ingredient that fuels employees– their wellbeing.

How Does Employee Wellbeing Affect Performance in the Workplace?

In June 2023, The Straits Times reported that stress and heavy workload-induced anxiety and depression could cost Singapore’s GDP $16 billion a year!

Reduced productivity, frequent turnovers and recruitments, and increased healthcare costs are among many other factors that lead to an organisation incurring such huge costs, which ultimately affect the GDP!

By prioritising employee wellbeing, organisations can not only reduce these costs but also cultivate a positive and engaged workforce, fostering a healthier workplace culture that ultimately enhances overall organisational success.

Positive employee wellbeing can fuel the growth and sustainability of organisations, impacting workplace absenteeism, presenteeism, and productivity.

And if the wellness of its employees can profoundly affect productivity in a workplace, it may be worth it for businesses to strategise employee wellbeing initiatives.

What Improves Employees' Wellbeing?

The role of employee wellbeing in improving motivation and performance cannot be ignored. Cultivating a positive work environment that prioritises employee well-being is not only a humane approach but also a strategic one. Organisations can extract many benefits by learning about the impact of employees’ wellbeing on performance in the workplace.

A happy and healthy workforce leads to improved productivity, reduced turnover, and a stronger sense of loyalty towards the organisation. There are strategies that organisations can adopt to achieve this:


1. Take a Holistic Approach to Employee Wellbeing

A successful approach to wellness in the workplace includes an end-to-end humanised way of dealing with and catering to the needs of the employees. A healthier and more inclusive culture that embraces the physical health, financial health, social health, and mental health of each employee is essential.

You may execute it by creating a better work-life balance and developing a more robust supportive company culture. By redesigning wellness programs to better serve your team members, you’ll find:

  • lower turnover,
  • better engagement, and
  • less chronic illness.

What can you do?

  • Start by conducting an employee wellbeing assessment to identify areas of improvement.
  • Collaborate with your HR team to design initiatives that cater to physical health, financial wellbeing, social connections, and mental health.
  • Offer flexible work arrangements and encourage open communication to support work-life balance.
  • Ensure your leadership team actively promotes a culture of wellbeing by leading by example.

2. Offer Personal Development Programs

If empowered to work on their personal development, employees can successfully improve their potential, talent, and overall wellbeing. But personal growth is a lifelong process that doesn’t end with a course, book, or lecture.

By regularly offering personal development workshops, lectures, book clubs, etc. you can enable your workforce to cultivate areas of themselves that contribute to their wellbeing and excellence in the workplace.

By encouraging personal growth for your team, you can:

  • boost productivity and innovation, and
  • elevate employee morale and engagement.

What can you do?

  • Create a personal development calendar with a mix of workshops, webinars, and book clubs.
  • Encourage employees to participate and share their experiences to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.
  • Offer self-assessment tools and individual development plans to help employees identify areas of improvement and set achievable goals.
  • Recognise and celebrate personal achievements to boost morale and engagement.

3. Exhibit Empathy for the Team

Empathy can be a powerful force for creating a healthier and more supportive work environment. As an employer, being empathetic can:

  • increase loyalty among your employees,
  • Increase motivation to take on tasks, and
  • lower stress in the workplace.

A culture of empathy can help reduce burnout rates and create a safer, more enjoyable environment. By practicing empathy, you create a workplace where employees feel valued and understood, contributing to their overall wellbeing.

What can you do?

  • Organise lunch and learn events or team-building exercises focused on empathy.
  • Invite psychologists or experts to discuss the health benefits of practicing empathy.
  • Foster a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns.
  • Provide resources like counseling services or mental health hotlines to demonstrate your commitment to employee wellbeing.

Final Takeaway

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, employee wellbeing stands as the cornerstone of a thriving and fulfilled workforce.

By embracing a holistic approach, fostering personal growth, and nurturing empathy, You can tap into the true potential of your employees and your organisation. This journey is not about reaching a final destination; it's about embarking on a continuous exploration of what it means to prioritise wellbeing.

So stride forward and create a workplace where wellbeing flourishes, where employees feel valued, and where success knows no bounds. The path to a healthier, happier, and more engaged workforce is before you with its boundless possibilities.