5 min read

Why Work-Life Balance is Important?

By CHOYS Community
31 May 2024

Work-life balance is key to a healthy and productive workplace culture. An employee with a work-life balance is more likely to stay stress-free and focused. The term “work-life balance” has gained significant traction since the pandemic. According to a study by Aviva, more people are prioritising work-life balance over salary.

41% of employees said they are attracted to their current job due to work-life balance, compared to 36% who prioritise salary more. In this blog, we will be discussing the importance of work-life balance, what affects it, and how to achieve a greater sense of balance between personal and professional life. 

What Is Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance can be defined as maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional life. It includes the management of personal commitment and professional responsibilities in such a way that reduces stress and fosters overall wellness. 

Work-life balance is all about finding a balance that allows individuals to excel in their professional lives without compromising their personal lives. This can differ from person to person as everyone has their own needs and requirements. Having a work-life balance is all about finding the right mix that allows one to have a fulfilling personal and professional life.

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Why is Work-Life Balance So Important?

Having a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall employee wellbeing. Especially in today's world, feeling overwhelmed due to work has become normalised, so it’s crucial to focus on personal wellness. Let's see how balancing work and life can improve various aspects of employees' lives, and benefit an organisation.

Improved Physical and Mental Health

It’s no secret that feeling stressed, burned out, or overworked can impact health. Having a poor work-life balance is one of the key reasons behind various diseases. A study conducted by UCL with more than 10,000 workers found that workers who worked 3-4 hours overtime had a 60% risk of heart-related problems. That’s why it’s important to encourage employees to find the balance, to ensure the organisation is more efficient during business hours. 

Reduced Stress 

A healthy work-life balance is the solution to many problems including dealing with high stress levels. Overworking can surely lead to burnout in the workplace, which can trouble both mental and physical health. It’s essential for an employee to stay healthy to be more productive and focused. That’s why it is important for your team to focus on their personal time, and relax.

Greater Engagement and Productivity

Engagement and employee wellbeing are the different sides of the same coin. The engagement levels increase when the employees are at their best. By encouraging your employees to have a work-life balance, you will increase their engagement levels. It will allow employees to go the extra mile, and give their best during their working hours. Companies with highly engaged employees can make a positive impact on business growth. 

More Mindfulness

Mindfulness is to have great control over focus, and the ability to concentrate on a task. If your team is mindful then it can make a significant difference in your organisation’s growth. By promoting work-life balance at the workplace, you can create a work culture that is not only about professional development but also personal growth. 

Greater Job Satisfaction

A balance between personal and professional life leads to better job satisfaction, and satisfied employees are more likely to remain loyal to their employers. This can increase employee retention, and help attract the best talents. In addition, when employees are satisfied, their focus, productivity and commitment to work will grow stronger.

What Affects Work-Life Balance?

One’s work-life balance is affected by various factors such as workplace, work culture, flexibility of work hours, workload, leave policies, availability of support structures within the workplace, and so on. 

In addition, the characteristics of an individual’s life are a huge factor that determines the ability to maintain balance. For example, employees with many non-work commitments may find it difficult to balance their work time and personal time. 

As an employer, it’s your responsibility to come up with policies that would allow your employees to have a great personal life without compromising on work life. There is no on-plan-for-all, as everyone has different requirements and responsibilities.


How To Achieve Work-Life Balance In 5 Steps?

Now we know why it is important, let’s find out how to make sure your employees have a great work-life balance.

Support Paid Time Off

Encourage the employees to take paid leave for vacation to promote work-life balance. Paid time off allows employees to spend time with their families, and friends, pursue hobbies, and recharge. 

Encourage Short Breaks During Working Hours

Promote short breaks during working hours, and ensure your employees don’t work during lunchtime. Taking short breaks can prevent burnout of employees, and increase productivity. Consider creating, designated break areas, and on-site meditation programs at the workplace during break periods.

Ask Employees' Opinion

If you are facing challenges with coming up with innovative solutions, then get employees’ opinions on this. Find out why employees are struggling with work-life balance, and what changes can improve their situation. 

Create a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment is the champion when it comes to promoting a healthy work-life balance. Encourage your employees to have open communication, provide recognition for achievements, and give opportunities for professional development. 

Promote Work-Life Balance Awareness

Most of the time, employees are not aware of the importance of work-life balance. They push themselves too hard for work, but it can take a toll on their overall wellbeing. That’s why you should spread awareness through workplace wellness programs, workshops, or offering resources. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does work-life balance mean?

A: Work-life balance means being able to prioritise professional life without compromising on an enjoyable personal life. It is also about setting clear boundaries between work and personal life to maintain a healthy balance between them.

Q: How to improve work-life balance for employees?

A: To improve the work-life balance of employees you need to offer flexible working options, offer paid time off, encourage breaks during work, introduce wellness programs, provide support for working parents, and create a positive work environment. 

Q: How to maintain a work-life balance?

A: To maintain work-life balance, take breaks, improve time management, make schedules flexible, plan vacations, consider volunteering, and find time for your favourite activities. 

Q: What are the benefits of work-life balance?

A: A healthy work-life balance can increase productivity, improve physical and mental wellbeing, reduce sickness and absenteeism, prevent burnout, increase engagement, and lead to a happier workforce.

Work-Life Balance: It's Not a Myth, It's a CHOYS

Feeling burned out? Struggling to find pockets of happiness in your day?

Our fast-paced world can make achieving work-life balance a constant battle. But what if there was an app that could help?

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  • Track your mood and identify patterns
  • Stay active and motivated
  • Connect with your colleagues
  • Feel valued and appreciated
  • Turn healthy habits into positive impact

What to learn more? Schedule a demo today!

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