6 min read

How to Improve Employee Engagement?

By CHOYS Community
10 Oct 2024

Employee engagement in the workplace can fluctuate due to various factors. However, organisations around the world understand that exceptional talents lead to business success. However, the main problem is attracting and retaining these talents in this highly competitive market. That’s where the concept of employee engagement comes in, and every organisation is concerned about how to improve employee engagement.

There is a correlation between employee engagement with high productivity, and job satisfaction. Highly engaged employees can lower turnover rates, and contribute to a stronger company culture. That’s why we have covered 7 tips to increase employee engagement that you can start implementing from now on.

What is Employee Engagement?

In simple words, employee engagement means how much employees are motivated, and passionate about their work. It also shows the level of commitment to the workplace and positive interpersonal relationships with colleagues in the workplace. 

High employee engagement is often associated with productivity. Less engaged employees feel neglected and may lose the drive to meet the company goals. There is a common pattern in every successful business that is: they support their employees with benefits, starting from flexible working hours to vacation.

Suggested Read: Relationship Between Employee Wellbeing and Engagement

How to Improve Employee Engagement in the Workplace: 7 Tips

Improving employee engagement requires support from your leadership team and a well-thought-out strategy. Below we have put together a list of the best improve employee engagement ideas that work wonders.

Employee Recognition and Rewards

There is no doubt about the fact that recognition is one of the biggest drivers of employee engagement. Employees feel valued when their efforts are recognised, and it is even more effective when followed by rewards. 

Organisations must implement employee recognition and reward systems if they want to improve employee engagement. One of the best ways to do it is to take the help of a mobile-friendly solution. There are many apps that can help you with recognition and rewards programs. 

One of the best options is CHOYS which integrates employee recognition and reward systems to increase employee engagement and wellbeing. 

Prioritise Employees' Physical and Mental Health

76% of employees believe that their mental and physical is a crucial factor in their engagement. The focus of organisations is now adapting to Employee Assistance Programs(EAP) and wellness programs to improve employee engagement in the workplace. 

You can do the same by offering access to employee wellbeing programs, or a solution that keeps employees physically and mentally active. Offering meditation in the workplace is also a great way to take care of employee wellbeing. 

CHOYS also offers Employee Wellbeing solutions that use a gamified approach to take care of employee wellbeing. We also offer EAP that provides mental health support to your team. 

Encourage a Sense of Purpose

Employees love a company that has a clear vision and purpose that resonates with them. When employees understand how their daily goals, and responsibility to contribute to the end goal of the company, it gives them a source of motivation.

To improve engagement among employees, organisations should definitely have a clear vision of where they are heading. This makes the employees connect with the purpose in an effective way.

With CHOYS, your employees can achieve ESG goals such as planting trees and helping disabled people by indulging in healthy habits. CHOYS encourages a sense of purpose that can make a real difference 

Support Personal and Professional Growth of Employees

Employees feel more engaged when they see their growth is encouraged and supported. Here growth means both professional and personal growth. Organisations that invest in training and development programs, wellbeing programs are likely to have more engaged employees compared to the organisations that don’t. Some of the most effective things, you can do are offer learning opportunities, clear career paths, and mentorship programs to support employee growth.

Employee Engagement Surveys

Surveys help you understand what’s working and what’s not. It also makes employees think their choices are being valued. Giving employees the opportunity to voice their opinions results in open communication within the workplace. CHOYS makes it a lot easier for you with its Poll feature which is made only for this purpose. You can come up with your customised poll, and employees can respond to that through their phones.

Team Activities

Interpersonal relationships at the workplace are key contributors to employee engagement. Trust and relationships between employees help to improve engagement levels. The best way to foster this is to set up activities outside the work. This can be done through virtual games for remote teams, or through outings in-office environments. 

CHOYS has Step Challenge feature, which is an excellent way to foster team activities that promote interpersonal relationships. By encouraging friendly competition and collaboration through fitness challenges,

Feedback and Transparency

Another way to increase engagement acting on the issues raised by your employees. You can do this through a feedback session, and encouraging two-way communication. This would make the employees feel their opinions matter, and they will be more focused towards what your organisation is trying to accomplish. 

How CHOYS Can Help You With Improving Employee Engagement

CHOYS offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to elevate employee engagement and wellbeing in the workplace. 

With features like the CHOYS Mood Tracker, employees can effortlessly log their daily emotions and track their mental health progress, fostering long-term engagement. 

The CHOYS Steps Challenges keep employees physically active and motivated through fun competitions, promoting a healthy work-life balance. CHOYS Recognitions ensures employees feel appreciated by enabling peer-to-peer shout-outs, boosting morale and reinforcing positive company culture. 

Moreover, CHOYS’ EAP and PERMA Model Survey offer tailored mental health support and insights into employee wellbeing, addressing their needs holistically. All of these features, combined with the innovative CHOYSCoins reward system, motivate employees to engage meaningfully with their work and community, leading to higher retention and satisfaction rates.


Q. What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement refers to how motivated, committed, and passionate employees are about their work. It also reflects the level of connection and positive relationships employees have with their workplace and colleagues.

Q. How to improve employee engagement in the workplace?
Companies can improve engagement by recognising and rewarding employees, supporting their physical and mental health, fostering a sense of purpose, promoting personal and professional growth, and encouraging open feedback and communication.

Q. How do leaders improve employee engagement?
Leaders can improve engagement by providing clear communication, recognising efforts, offering feedback, empowering employees, and creating an inclusive, supportive work environment.
Q. What are the 5 C's of employee engagement?
The 5 C's of employee engagement include Clarity, Confidence, Contribution, Connection, and Credibility. These are important to build a motivated and engaged workforce.
Q. How to improve employee satisfaction?
Increase satisfaction by offering competitive pay, a positive work culture, career development, and listening to employee feedback. Ensuring work-life balance and recognising contributions are also crucial.
Q. What are some examples of employee engagement strategies?
Effective strategies include employee recognition programs, offering wellness initiatives like Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), conducting engagement surveys, organising team-building activities, and providing opportunities for career development.
Q. What are the 4 pillars of employee engagement?
The four pillars of employee engagement are essential for fostering a motivated workforce. These pillars include leadership, communication, Recognition and development.

Q. What are the 7 drivers of employee engagement?
The seven drivers of employee engagement are key factors that influence how connected employees feel to their work. These drivers are purpose, autonomy, recognition, growth, connection, fairness, and work-life balance.

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