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PERMA Survey
The Survey section is a powerful tool for understanding and improving employee wellbeing.
- Launch PERMA Survey: This survey is designed to measure the wellbeing of your employees across various dimensions (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment).
- wellbeing Insights: The insights gained from this survey can help you identify areas where your organisation can improve and provide better support to your employees, ultimately leading to a happier and more productive workforce
Q: How to launch the PERMA Survey?
A: To launch the PERMA Survey, go to the survey section of the admin dashboard. There click on PERMA under the "Create new survey" section to launch a new survey.
Q: When should I launch the PERMA survey?
A: It is recommended to launch the PERMA survey during times when you want to assess the overall well-being of your employees, such as after a major organisational change, at the end of a quarter, or during annual reviews. Regular intervals, like every six months, can also help track long-term trends.
Q: How do I tell my team about the PERMA survey?
A: Communication is key to the success of the PERMA survey. You can inform your team via email, during team meetings, or through the HR Portal's internal messaging system. Explain the purpose of the survey, how it will benefit them, and encourage their participation.
Q: What are the benefits of launching the PERMA survey to my team?
A: The PERMA survey helps you gain valuable insights into your employees' well-being across five key dimensions: Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. By understanding these aspects, you can tailor your HR strategies to enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.
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